Election Eve Thoughts
Monday, November 2, 2020 at 11:10PM
Forty years ago (minus two days - it was November 4th) when I was a mere child and employed by the BBC in London, England, as a temporary relief floor assistant, the lowest form of life on the studio floor, I was called in to work on the live coverage of the US election. I knew nothing about American politics. I didn’t really understand what was going on, but as the hours went by I was caught up in the huge emotions of the night. 
As the results came in slowly by slowly, State by State, it was evident that Ronald Reagan was beating Jimmy Carter in a landslide victory.  I knew something huge had happened. 
In a minuscule way I had been part of history. 
I’d love to say that experience propelled me into being an avid political supporter. 
It didn’t. 
Even though a year later I had moved to Austin, Texas, and was renting the guest house of the amazing Liz Carpenter - press secretary to Lady Bird Johnson in the White House, and dynamic, lovable wit. 
Instantly I was unwittingly plunged into a fascinating hot bed of Democratic politics that centered on Liz’s home. For example Ann Richards, future Governor of Texas was nurtured by Liz and was often among the guests at her house during my time there. 
Liz was infuriated that she could not make me into a political animal. The gene that was necessary was clearly missing from my psyche. However Liz, gone for ten years now, would be pleased that I have firm opinions on many of the issues at stake in this election, although we might not agree on all of them. 
I have already voted, standing in line for two and a half hours to do so, grateful to be able to exercise the right bestowed upon me when I became a naturalized citizen almost thirteen years ago. I have a strong preference of who I would like to win this election. 
But more and more I am hoping that whichever side wins we have a return to forty years ago and it is done in a landslide. So that it is quite clear, with no shadow of doubt who has prevailed. 
I remind myself that whoever wins, the Lord is still on the throne. He loves all of us - on both sides of the political divide - with an everlasting love - and that His ways, as the Good Book says, are not our ways. He already knows the outcome. It will not be a surprise to Him. 
I pray that whoever He has chosen wins, and that if it is not whom I wholeheartedly prefer, that I have the grace to accept the outcome with equanimity. 
I am praying for peace at the polling stations and in the streets. Praying hard. 
Forty is a very biblical number. For a start the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness for forty years. The rains that floated Noah’s ark fell for forty days and nights. Jesus fasted for forty days and nights in the wilderness before starting his public ministry. 
Forty years after I was first introduced to American politics I am praying that, no matter my personal preference, that the Lord’s will is done, that there be a landslide victory, and that miraculous goodwill prevails. 
Lord let it be. 
And God bless America. 
All of us. 
Article originally appeared on Geraldine Buckley (http://www.geraldinebuckley.com/).
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